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Bluefin tuna 蓝鳍金枪鱼

Eaten away 捕尽吃绝

Mar 18th 2010

A ban on the trade in bluefin tuna is rejected

IT WAS a moment of some drama when delegates assembled in Doha came to vote on a ban in the trade in bluefin tuna on March 18th. The previous evening many representatives of the 175 member nations of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) had been at a reception at the Japanese embassy. Prominent on the menu was bluefin tuna sushi. On the agenda the next day at the CITES meeting was a proposal to list the bluefin tuna as sufficiently endangered that it would qualify for a complete ban in the trade of the species (The Economist supports such a ban).

The complex proposal called for further discussion of the bluefin tuna’s plight. Europe, the United States, Monaco and Norway were hoping to move to an adjournment, which would have allowed a proper investigation of the issues over the weekend. Kevern Cochrane, the representative from the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), agreed. He also acknowledged that the official FAO panel had decided that the species met the scientific criteria for listing as a sufficiently endangered species qualifying for a trade ban--the bluefin tuna population has dropped below 15% of its maximum historical level.
这项复杂的提案呼吁进一步讨论蓝鳍金枪鱼面临的困境。欧洲、美国、摩纳哥和挪威都希望大会休会,从而能够利用周末对上述问题作出妥善的调研。来自联合国粮农组织的代表Kevern Cochrane表示同意。他还承认粮农组织官方的专门调查小组已经认定,鉴于其种群数量已经降至历史最高水平的15%以下,蓝鳍金枪鱼达到了被列入禁止买卖的濒危物种名录的科学标准。

At this stage, eyewitnesses report that the Libyan delegation made an unusual intervention. According to David Allison of OCEANA, a marine charity, the Libyan delegate started “screaming and calling everyone liars…He said the science was no good and that it was part of a conspiracy of developed countries. It was theatre. Then he stopped screaming and called for an immediate vote”. Another witness, Sergi Tudela, a fisheries expert with the WWF, agreed. “The Libyan representative accused the FAO of serving political interests and said there was no scientific basis for the listing.”
当时在场的与会者们事后透露,就在这个节骨眼上,利比亚代表团作出了不寻常的干预。来自OCEANA这家海洋慈善组织的David Allison说利比亚代表开始“尖叫并指责大家都是骗子……他说科学没有用,不过是发达国家阴谋的一部分而已。一切就像是演戏。接着他停止了尖叫并要求立即投票。”另一位目击者,来自世界自然基金会的渔业专家Sergi Tudela同意上述说法。他说:“利比亚代表指责联合国粮农组织为政治利益服务,并声称把蓝鳍金枪鱼列入禁止买卖的名单缺乏科学依据。”

After this the talking stopped. The call for a ban, proposed by Monaco, was put to an immediate vote using a procedural ploy and rejected with 68 votes against, 20 in favour and 30 abstentions. The Americans, in particular, are disappointed. A number of agencies had been working hard to prepare for the meeting, none more so than the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The NOAA responded to the vote by committing to ensure that the organisation which currently manages bluefin tuna (albeit woefully) would implement fully its commitments and would continue to try to reduce fishing levels in line with scientific advice. The Japanese, however, will be delighted. The country has been lobbying hard against the ban for some time.

The outlook for the bluefin tuna is not good. Scientists already agree that the population is crashing, and that quotas allocated to fishermen remain too generous to give any reasonable degree of certainty of a recovery. The extent to which illegal fishing can be brought under control will also have a big impact on whether the population has a chance of recovering. It is technically possible that bluefin tuna could be put back on the agenda before the meeting closes on March 25th, but this it is unlikely to happen. It seems likely that a fresh attempt to list bluefin tuna will have to wait until the next CITES meeting in three years time.

That may be too late for the bluefin tuna. Libya has used a procedural ruse to force a vote without any substantial discussion of the scientific, technical or economic issues. It has sidestepped the only public forum that exists to discuss whether action is needed to save a species that is being fished, traded and eaten to extinction. Had the discussion taken place before a vote to reject the trade ban, this would at least have counted as an honourable victory.
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